Friday, February 10, 2012

15 Weeks

Connor turned 15 weeks old yesterday! I cannot believe how fast these days are flying by. He is sleeping so much better at night! I think allot of it has to do with the fact that we finally got him on a schedule. He wakes up at 7:30 eats, we play for about an hour and then he naps until his next feeding at 10:30. He eats again at 1:30 and we play for about an hour and then he sleeps from 2:30 until his next feeding at 4:30. He is still battling fussiness in the evenings but it's getting a little better. We changed his bedtime to 8 and it's made a huge difference! He sleeps from 8 until 12 and then 12 to 4 and is up for the day again at 7:30. He is so adorable in the mornings when he wakes up. He just coos and talks! We moved him to his crib at 12 weeks. It was tough for this mama, but everyone started sleeping better! He still occasionally wakes up and needs his paci but he falls right back to sleep. We changed his paci's from the Soothie brand to the NUK's. The Soothies just kept falling out of his mouth b/c they were too heavy. The NUK's form to their little mouths and he likes them much better.

He is so sweet and his little personality is just coming out more and more every day. I can't wait to hear him laugh for the first time! I know it should happen any day now! Some other mile stones that should happen soon are rolling over. He doesn't like tummy time that much so it may take him a while to roll over. He loves to be on his back though! He just coos and kicks his little legs! He has the most beautiful big smile of any baby I've ever seen! Speaking of babies- our church is having a baby boom! It's so exciting to see all the new babies and pregnant girls! Connor will not be short on friends! We put him in the nursery for the first time on Sunday b/c he is distracting during church ;-) He's such a chatter box!! It was a little difficult for me to leave him in there but I love Emily Devore and I trust her. I know the girls in there will love on him and call me if he needs me. At our church we have these pagers that they give to the moms and mine buzzed twice during church. The first time he was hungry and the second time he just needed his mama. He's such a mama's boy already and I am just as attached to him! Some of my close friends know that I've battled some anxiety w/ others. It's starting to get better, but I'm still super protective of him! I just feel like I'm with him 24/7 and I know exactly what he needs and it bothers me when other people try and take him from me and soothe him. I'm like I'm his mom and I can handle it! Sorry- that's just my little rant! I guess it's just being a new mom.

Some people ask if I get bored staying home with him. The answer is no way! I love being a mother, even more than I thought I would! I love being needed! He has just filled my heart with so much joy! We do allot of fun stuff during the day. It's funny because having a baby makes even the mundane stuff fun, like grocery shopping or going to target. I love putting him in his little baby back pack carrier thing (not sure what it's called) He loves being in it too! He's such a good baby. He only cries when he's hungry or tired. I highly recommend some sort of sling or carrier if your a mom to be! They love being held and the slings and back packs give them the same feeling but you get to keep your hands free!

I'm going to try and update this little blog at least once a month so I can go back and see how much he's grown and changed! We are so blessed to have been given this little gift!